Buy Gymnopilus Subpurpuratus Online
Gymnopilus subpurpuratus is a species of mushroom in the family Hymenogastraceae. The type specimen was found in Jalisco, Mexico, growing on rotting pine wood in a garden. This species is in the aeruginosus-luteofolius infrageneric grouping in the genus Gymnopilus.
is a genus of gilled mushrooms within the fungal family Cortinariaceae containing over 150 rusty-orange spored mushroom species formerly divided among Pholiota and the defunct genus Flammula. The fruiting body is typically reddish brown to rusty orange to yellow, medium to large, often with a well developed veil. Most members of Gymnopilus grow on wood but at times may appear terrestrial if the wood is buried or decomposed. Members of Pholiota and Cortinarius are easy to confuse with Gymnopilus. Pholiota can be distinguished by its viscid cap and duller (brown to cinnamon brown) spores, and Cortinarius grows on the ground. Beginners can confuse Gymnopilus with Galerina, which contains deadly poisonous species.
Buy Gymnopilus Subpurpuratus Online
Pileus (Cap):
18-53 mm broad, convex, plane-convex to plane, finally uplifted, dry, squarrose to appresed-squamulose, especially on the disc, small scales of fibrilles reddish brown to purple, back ground color to orange yellowish, light reddish yellow or purple yellow, scales sometimes evanescent with age, margin entire, with ferruginous-brownarachnoid remains of the partial veil; pileus surface staining green when bruised.
Lamellae (Gills):
Adnate with or without a desurrent tooth to subdecurrent, close, broad to subventricose, yellow to ferruginous orange or ferruginous brown when mature, edge entire to subfarinaceous, yellowish.
Stipe (Stem):
10-30 x 2-6 (-9) mm, central to excentric, equal, slightly broader at the base, folded like an “L” or suberect, fibrillose, grayish white with purple or reddish stains, solid to hollow. veil arachnoid, ferruginous brown, forming an inconspicuous apical fibrillose annulus. context whitish to yellow whitish.
Buy Gymnopilus Subpurpuratus Online
Microscopic features:
Spores ferruginous brown in mass, 6-8 x 4-4.8um, ellipsoid, verruculose germ pore absent, yellowish-ornage-brown, with refringent context, dextrinoid. Basidia 19.2-24 x 5.6 – 7.2 um, bi-or tetrasporic, clavate or subcylindric, some with central construction, with granulose, yellowish grey content, sterigmata 1.6-4um long. pleurocystidia absent. cheilocystidia 16.8 – 28 x 5.6-7.8 um, apex 3.2-6.4um in diameter, flask shaped, subcapitate or capitate, some with a long neck, with granulose, yellowish grey contents, gill trama subparrallel. pileus trama interwovem, hyphea 4-24um broad, septate, with thin wall. cuticle with hyphea 4-14.4um braod, postrate, yellowish, exept for fibrils, which are yellow -orange-brown, some with distinct incrustations. pileocystidia absent. caulocystidia 24-68 x 3.6-12um, apex 4.8-8um broad, cylindric, ventricose cylindric subcapitate or capitate, some flask shaped or clavate, hyaline or rarely yellowish grey or yellowish orange, present only in the stipe apex, in tufts, very common. clam connections present. laticiferous hyphae present. a yellowish pigment is isolved when mounted in KOH.
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